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The 500in24 dream team is a group of friends who dedicate their talents to actualizing a dream. Individually, we are medical practitioners, copywriters, finance professionals, tech bros, and mental health experts. Most of us are Starehe Alumni and either met a long time ago in school, or more recently at an alumni mixer. One certain thing is that we are all friends of Starehe. 

We are driven by the desire to see Starehe Boys’ and Starehe Girls’ Centres remain successful refuges for bright students from underprivileged backgrounds to access post-primary education. Together, we make up the core of a movement that hopes to contribute to the financial security of the Starehe Schools! When they say it takes a village, we are part of that village!

We are a small team of 11 people but when we come together, we believe that there is nothing we cannot accomplish, and we would like to bring you with us on this epic journey!

The Faces You’ve Been Waiting For

Our team works wonders

Ken Munene

I'm Munene and I work in the banking sector as a financial systems developer. A father of one.

JK Muhunyo

I am a Starehean and I’ll jump onto any opportunity to give back to my Alma mater because ‘To whom much is given, much will be required.’


PS: I am not normally as serious as my photo looks.

David Ndatha


My name is David Ndatha a bike enthusiast and head coach at Team Velonos. I love racing both on road and off road.

I do train people about cycling, beginners and elite cyclists alike. I do love Duathlon Races and do train people on the same.

Micheal Mbithi

Sam Kibiko

Resource Manager

I am a cycling enthusiast with an obsession for endurance cycling adventures. I like being useful hence my involvement in charity rides like 500in24.

Ian Hicho

Project Lead


My name is Ian and I am many things; a kickass graphic designer, a brother, a hiker, a tea drinker, 20% hair, a cyclist, and a philanthropist. Most importantly, I am an Old Boy of the esteemed Starehe Boys’ Centre. Starehe taught me diligence, polished my determination, and imbued a sense of responsibility for my brethren. It is a big part of why I started 500in24.

What began as a personal challenge has evolved into a small community and I would love you to join us. This year we have the 500in24 Roads and Mountains edition. It is our third edition and you get to experience it like never before. You can be a part of the project by donating to the cause, and by being part of the activities. Take a look at our calendar over at and see where you fit in. Remember, two people can move a couch really easily, one person can only drag it. Be a part of the team in 2023!

Sheila Ngumi


Brenda Chepkirui


Word Ninja | Content Writer | Strategist

My name is Moses but everyone calls me Mo because it’s shorter and cooler. I am an experienced content copywriter and strategist. I am in charge of most keyboard-related tasks at 500in24 in the “office”. During events, I am the community liaison tasked with talking to the locals and securing on-the-go resources. Sometimes I hide Ian’s shoelaces. 

Outside of 500in24, I am a father, a tree hugger, and a Football Manager expert.

Wevyn Muganda

Wevyn Muganda is a human rights activist and cyclist from Mombasa, Kenya. She is an alumnae of the Starehe Girls Centre, class of 2010 and currently the Cora Weiss Peacebuilding Fellow for the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders. She rides her bicycle for general fitness, fun and as a tool to build community and take action on different social justice issues. Some of the cycling campaigns she has participated in are on Climate Change awareness, Disability Rights and Safety, FreePalestine protests, Mask distribution among others.

Through her blog, ‘Beyond the Lines’, she is changing and disrupting the narratives of violent extremism through stories and interlocution of laws and policies related to human rights, peace and security. She also shares her experiences on the saddle on her blog section titled, ‘Rides and Rants.’
In 2020, she co-initiated Mutual Aid Kenya, a Covid-19 response initiative providing essential supplies and enhancing political participation amongst communities in informal settlements of Mombasa and Nairobi. She is part of UNDP’s Global Youth Program ’16×16′ that supports 16 activists from all over the world in advancing SDG 16. She also serves in the Advisory Board for Mombasa Women Social Justice Centre.

Ken Muendo
